Friday, September 24, 2021

First Time Homeowner


Yesterday I posted a photo of the apartments I moved to in Tempe Arizona many, many years ago.  Today I have photos of my next move.  My roommate got married and I decided it was time for me to become a homeowner.  A few weeks ago, I went searching for this place in south Phoenix near the border with Tempe.  I knew the address but it still took me a while to find it because the place looked so different.  In fact, it looked pretty bad.  I wish I had a photo of what it looked like when I bought this little condo.  It was such a nice little neighborhood with beautiful grassy, park-like areas.  The buildings were all painted a combination light and dark brown.  It was a nice neighborhood with lots of young families and singles living there.

The neighborhood has taken a serious turn for the worse.  In fact, I was a little nervous getting out of the car to take these photos.  It was a shock to see it looking like this.

I bought this place when it was brand new.  I got to pick out the appliances and carpeting and I was very proud of it.  It was a great little starter home with two bedrooms upstairs and the kitchen, dining and living area downstairs.  It's so sad to see how it looks now.


  1. It looks almost like a jail complex, so grey and closed.

  2. Goodness, it is a tad sad looking.

  3. Sharon we have something in common.

  4. It does look grim, but I think it's mostly the paint job. It needs a couple of colors, or at least some accent paint on the trim.

  5. The neighborhood needs artists and hipsters.

  6. It looks dismal, Sharon. Good you left years ago.

  7. Yes, It seems that neighborhood changed a lot.

  8. Looks like it lost all of its charm.

  9. Kind of sad to see a former house or neighborhood go downhill like that. I've had the same experience.

  10. Not a very charming place, is it? Kind of painful to see a place that was important to you becoming down at the mouth.
