Monday, August 30, 2021

Rainbow Wings


This mural was recently added to the side of Stacy's at Melrose.  I like the desert sunset colors on this one and the rainbow wings.  Stacy's is a gay bar so the rainbow colors are appropriate.  This was painted by Geremy Sites.  I wonder if anyone poses between those wings.  It seems like it would be a great photo opportunity.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


  1. Very nice work, good colors, very in the place.

  2. Oh absolutely Sharon, I bet this is a super popular spot for photo ops, it's pretty fabulous 💙

  3. I can imagine that there are hundreds of pics out there with those wings as a background. It's a good one, Sharon.

  4. Very pretty…and I agree a great photo op.

  5. It's an absolutely stunning mural, and I agree it is more than likely a wonderful backdrop for a photo op. Wonderful find.

  6. awesome! reminds me of a "Journey" album cover

  7. Nice find Sharon. We have a few "wings" murals around Perth and they are very popular with instagramers.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  8. Oh, yeah -- THAT's why it's painted that way! I didn't even think of allowing people to pose there but now that you say it, it makes perfect sense.
