Saturday, August 14, 2021

Observations on the Road


This pink car caught my eye.  That is a a very unusual color for a car.  My first thought was that it would be advertising something but no, there were no ads on this car.  It's just PINK!

The car above is another that caught my eye.  An example of a seriously misinformed person.

Ho hum...the amount of proudly displayed irrationality is so disheartening.  


  1. How sweet the pink car is. Reminds me of icing on the cake.

  2. That really is pink. The other car just makes me sad.

  3. The pink would be easy to find in a parking lot. The only thing 45 won was idiot of the year.

  4. You don't see that colour often.

    The other driver may someday realize he got suckered.

  5. I see some very weird colours on cars but that one is right up there with the strangest, Sharon!
    The other one continues to astound me.

  6. Disheartening is a good way to describe it. Discouraging too. The fact that he/she bought the Range Rover at the Aston Martin dealership in Palm Beach tells you a lot.

  7. The pink car would be hard to miss.

  8. Two disgusting photos. (Not your photography, which is exemplary, as ever.)

  9. That first car is the EXACT color of Pepto-Bismol.

    It's interesting that the second car has a license plate cover from Palm Beach. Maybe it's Trump's car! (Or Jared's. Or Eric's. Or Ivanka's.)
