Sunday, August 8, 2021

Living in a Date Palm Grove


I happened to be driving down 44th Street last Friday and I decided to pull into an old neighborhood that sits in a former date palm ranch.  There are two parts to this neighborhood, the part I was in when I took this photo was the newer section with homes originally built in the 1970's.

Way back in 2009, I did a series of posts about the older half of this neighborhood.  That is an area called Palma Viva.  That area is composed of the old date ranch buildings that have been lovingly converted into a series of condos.  What was once the packing house and the employee lodgings are now small condos.  You can see those older photos by clicking the "Palma Viva" label below.  Back in 2009, my posted photos were much smaller.  I tried editing them to make them larger but blogger wouldn't let me.  I will simply have to make another visit to the Palma Viva neighborhood and take some new photos so I can update those old posts.  It's a historic place that is well worth visiting and photographing again.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a lesser known California wine country.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

I always think of Hawaii when I see these tall palms Sharon, they are an amazing sight en masse like this. Looking forward to seeing the photos when you return ✨

Gemel said...

They are amazing Sharon.

Travel said...

Pretty trees, I wonder if they drop dates?

RedPat said...

I love the palm trees, Sharon! They always look so exotic to me.

Steve Reed said...

Reminds me of Morocco, except for the architecture!

Sami said...

Looks like a lovely neighbourhood. Not sure about having all those palm trees above the houses, don't they drop their leaves on the roofs?

William Kendall said...

A lovely area.

Aimz said...

It sort of looks like a nice area, the houses look good against the palm trees.