Tuesday, July 20, 2021

That Mysterious Unpainted Spot


It was ten years ago when I posted a photo of this very same gate and wondered why that spot above the gate was not painted.  At that time, the house and wall were painted yellow.  I drive by this house two or three times a week and I would always see that spot and sort of chuckle to myself that it was left like that year after year.  This last Saturday, I passed this house again and noticed that it had a new paint job.  The whole house and the wall around the yard has been painted white.  But wait, that same spot above the gate was still unpainted!  I slowed down and turned around to get a photo.

I had originally thought that something must have hung above the gate and was removed and that the owners never got around to painting over that spot.  Now I wonder if there is a deeper meaning for that one spot to be left in a natural tone.  After all, why was it not painted when the rest of the house got a new coat of paint?  Is there some sort of hidden meaning here?  Any ideas?


  1. Mysterious, maybe they are waiting that somebody at last will create a nice "Welcome sign" to be hanged above the arch...

  2. Sharon it's time to knock on the door and ask. Good Luck! ✌

  3. A keystone? But is appears to just be part of the stucco wall?

  4. Keystone comes to mind too.

    I see that irritating spammer resurfaced. Pity.

  5. I guess it's just supposed to look like a keystone, as Travel and William said.

  6. A mystery for sure but I'm thinking the same as William.

  7. Waiting for a ceramic sign of some kind perhaps.

  8. It's got to be a symbolic thing Sharon, it surely couldn't happen twice. Keep an eye on it though, it might be getting ready for a new addition 😉
