Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Rustic Fence


I never know what I will find when I drive down streets that I don't normally use.  This house surrounded by a rustic looking fence caught my eye.  

I find picket fences charming whether they are painted white or in need of a little paint.  This one actually looks like it has been salvaged from somewhere else.  I like it.  


  1. I like the patterns of the fence. They just don't make them like this any more.

  2. The fence and the house have a lot of character, would love to investigate the interior of that house.

  3. Looks good, we once had a simular gate around the garden.

  4. I like it too Sharon, it has that rustic charm 😊 wonder if they just haven't got around to painting it yet.

  5. I like it too. It has a nice rustic look of it!

  6. That fence has some character, I like it.

  7. Interesting. The weather-beaten wood has good character, but maybe they need to hire Tom Sawyer!

  8. Very cool!! I'm such an odd duck; I love rustic wood, and yet I love a modern, clean-lines look as well.

  9. I like it too. The walls around the villas here are all about 8 feet tall - so they hide the beauty of the homes behind them. I like that this charming house is visible.
