Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Desert Summer


The hot desert summer seems to have arrived.  I walked early yesterday morning at the Desert Botanical Garden and that just might be my last walk there for a few months.  It was 82 degrees when I arrived at 7:00 AM and 92 degrees when I left a little over an hour later.  But, that's nothing compared to the 108 degrees the day reached between 3 and 4 in the afternoon.  Those are temperatures we usually don't see until July.  Fingers crossed that this hot spell will ease up a bit by next week.  

I took the path that goes near the little pond and I hung around there for a while listening to the frogs.  They were croaking loudly but they managed to stay completely hidden in the cattails.  However I did see that dragonfly in the first photo and I saw this large bee hovering over some saguaro blooms.  

I haven't posted a photo of the Chihuly sculptures at the entrance to the garden in a long time so I snapped one on my way out.  These beauties are always a pleasure to see!


  1. I envy you living there, I would be constantly checking out the cacti and succulents.

  2. Wow great photos, and I liked the fashion show in your previous posts.

  3. Sharon nice to see that you are aware of what is going on around you. I am always fascinated with the life forms that live are almost everywhere. It is always worth while to stop and take a look. Even better when you have a camera with you.

  4. I have never been there in the peak of summer, maybe I will keep the fantasy alive and keep it that way

  5. It is going up to 31˚C here today and we have heat warnings at that temp. The city would shut down at your heat levels!

  6. Hot,hot, hot. 24C in my area today.

  7. Wow, great macros. I love the dragonfly photo, it's a beauty.

  8. Great photos Sharon, the first is beautiful.

  9. Oh I hope it's not your last visit until after summer Sharon, I know how much you enjoy these visits. Fingers crossed it was just a freak hot spell. The glass sculptures are fabulous 💜

  10. Yeesh. That is HOT. That shiny black bee is very strange -- nothing like the bees I see here!
