Thursday, June 24, 2021

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night


I woke up around 3:00 AM Wednesday morning and looked out my window.  I thought I was seeing things when I saw what looked like a bright light over the buildings next door.

I finally realized I was seeing the moon peeking through an almost completely overcast sky.  I thought it looked very spooky in that kind of "dark and stormy night" kind of way so I grabbed my camera.

After the sun came up, it was still very cloudy and looking a bit threatening in the western sky.

After a while it started to rain very lightly at first but by noon it was coming down at a steady pace.  Rain, glorious rain.  We even had a bit of lightening and thunder.  It was very refreshing.  

I love seeing those rain drops on all the trees and plants.  It's just what we needed.  Not enough to get us through the summer but, nice anyway.  


  1. Cycling home from Stockholm yesterday I was caught in a serious rain shower that lasted for 30 minutes.

  2. Did you go dancing in the rain?

  3. Gorgeous moon shots Sharon and how absolutely wonderful about the rain, I can relate so well, summer rain is the best 💙

  4. Those moon shots are fabulous! You were quite awake at 3 am!

  5. The night sky looks mysterious. The post title sounds like a mystery book. :)

  6. We had wind and thunder with threatening skies, but only a sprinkle or two. The desert here is seriously dehydrated.

  7. Wow, gorgeous and mysterious moon photos!

  8. Excellent! So glad you got some rain!
