Monday, June 28, 2021

Fly Higher


I ran across this mural when I was out searching for the Prince mural. In fact, I found several murals that day.  This one sends the message that you can fly higher if you want.  It was painted by Joseph "Sentrock" Perez with assistance from Noelle "Birdy" Martinez.  Perez uses the theme of a man wearing a bird mask in many of his murals.  I learned that he moved to Chicago to pursue his art career and now he has a whole series of murals in that city.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


  1. Yes... fly higher. Live life to the fullest.

  2. It's a nice one and yes the message is clear

  3. The diamond-shaped eyes are interesting. I wonder if they're a distinctive sign of this artist's work?

  4. Nice mural with a nice positive message.

  5. nice message, though, it looks a bit creepy to me.

  6. Super discovery Sharon I love the positive message it shares ✨

  7. Great message and he seems to have a signature style with his bird masks.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon :)

  8. The colors are nice, and the mural is great, but the positive words are what really makes this both beautiful and happy, Sharon.
