Sunday, June 13, 2021

Classy, Classic Cars


Here is a group of photos I forgot about.  They were taken in the parking lot of the Desert Botanical Garden at the end of May.  I was just leaving the garden after one of my walks and saw these fancy cars all lined up.  I parked the car again, and got out to take some photos.

There was no one around the cars so I don't think if was a special show.  It might have just been members of a classic car club who all came to the garden together.

Whatever reason they were there, they were fun to look at.  I wasn't the only one to pull out of a parking space just to park again.  These cars were stopping lots of people on their way out.  Even the bus driver from that bus in the background of the top photo, walked over for a look.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have a guest photographer with photos from way, way up north.  


  1. Yes you see them here too sometimes. Specially at Sunday they make a tour together

  2. Oh my... what a classic display of cars. A lot of those cars date back to my generation.

  3. The last time I was out to South Mountain, one of the car clubs was having an outing. Looked like fun

  4. I would have stopped as well to photograph them. Beauties!!

  5. What a surprise to come across all these beautiful classic cars. Great photos!

  6. That green one stands out, but I think I like the blue one (is it a Corvette?) best.

  7. They are really cool, especially that green one.

  8. I particularly like the blue car in the second last photo Sharon, I can see myself cruising in that 😉

  9. What a serendipitous surprise to spy these gems as you were leaving the gardens. Fantastic!
