Monday, May 24, 2021

Together We Rise


Local artist Hugo Medina created this wonderful mural to honor our first responders and to shout out that all of us are in this pandemic together no matter who we are or what we do.  The woman painted in the foreground was inspired by a photo (below) that appeared in our local newspaper The Arizona Republic.

The photo by Michael Chow of The Republic, depicts ICU nurse Lauren Leander as she stands in counterprotest to the people marching at the capitol to protest to the Governor's stay-at-home order. This was in April of last year.  It seems we have more than our share of crazies here in Arizona and they were out in full force when the pandemic hit.  Most of these people are still down at the capitol protesting an election that happened over 6 months ago.  It's mind-boggling.  And exhausting!

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


biebkriebels said...

Yes, we have those "wappies" as they are called here too. They have such strange ideas, I will even not read about them. The mural is very well done with a good message!

Stefan Jansson said...

Sad. But a great mural.

Travel said...

Nice mural, and knowing what inspired it adds layers of meaning

Steve Reed said...

Excellent mural. People are crazy.

Martha said...

Best mural yet! I agree with you on the rest, mind boggling and totally exhausting!

Sami said...

Great mural to honour the most important people during this pandemic.
I can't understand those "crazies" at all, I think the media should just ignore them and I'm sure they will eventually go away. But they still get too much air-time...
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Bill said...

What a great mural. A fool with the flag waving, plenty of them around.

RedPat said...

Great mural! A sorry state of affairs with the protestors!

William Kendall said...

The mural is a beauty.

We have nuts like that here too.

Catalyst said...

That is a great mural representation of Ms. Leander. And that nutcake with the flag doesn't have any realization of how much he is demeaning it. Craziness continues to abound in Arizona and not only in Arizona.

Thérèse said...

Oh no! What a reminder on a wall!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You can see the inspiration clearly Sharon, we all have that element of crazy in our cities unfortunately, thankfully not too many here but they are definitely here 😱

Aimz said...

Very important mural there, all those emergency services are working together.

Iris Flavia said...

Great, important one. Hope we one day can get back to some sort of normal.