Sunday, May 9, 2021

Music for the Dogs!


After posting about my last walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday, I had the urge to go again.  I made my reservation and went yesterday morning.  I didn't realize when I made the reservation that Saturday was going to be one of the garden's Dog Days.  When I arrived and saw all those dogs entering the garden, I thought it might be a fun day.  Then I was surprised again to hear beautiful music.  I saw this group of musicians from the Phoenix Symphony performing and there were lots of dogs an owners stopping to listen.  These gentlemen are all from the Phoenix Symphony's Education and Community Outreach team.  

I enjoyed seeing all the dogs on my walk.  I thought this rather elegant looking poodle and its owner made a cute couple as they took a little photo break.

And this handsome fellow came dressed in this butterfly wings for the occasion.  

Today is Mother's Day here in the U.S. so I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.  Have a wonderful day.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's about a historical exhibit that is in transition.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Nice to see a young Canon photographer. Looks like the is using the m50.

Janey and Co. said...

What a treat...dogs and music both!

Travel said...

Near, music and well behaved dogs. I also noticed the camera,

Bill said...

The dogs look like they are enjoying the music. Great shots!

RedPat said...

What a fun event, Sharon!

Catalyst said...

I was taken aback by the violinist "manspreading". I wonder if he sits like that with the symphony.

William Kendall said...

One wonders what the dogs think of the music.

Aimz said...

awww I love the butterfly dog, what a cutie.

Steve Reed said...

I love butterfly-dog, although he looks like he needs bigger wings!

Revrunner said...

A butterfly dog?! :-)

Susie of Arabia said...

Love the butterfly wings on the dog