Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Roses!


I thought a good way to start the month of May was with a variety of roses.  Roses just seem like the perfect flower to represent May.  The pink one above was growing in a rose bed in old town Scottsdale.  The shaded background made it stand out.

This one was also growing in that same rose bed.  The background on this one was not quite as shaded as the one above.  I do love finding perfect rose buds.

These two were growing next to a home in east Phoenix.  I couldn't resist capturing them with the yellow blooms of the Palo Verde trees as a backdrop.  

This last one was growing at one of the homes I recently visited on the Phoenix Home and Garden tour.  I had to use the telephoto to get this one.  It was in a spot near the back of the garden.  It looks like it is a perfect bloom!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm making a visit to Montezuma's Castle.


  1. A nice idea. Over here it would be the tulips they are usually everywhere in early May.

  2. Wonderful lighting on that last one. Is it me, or do roses smell less like roses these days?

  3. Nice! I think our roses are still about a month away from blooming.

  4. Those are beautiful and a great way to begin May.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The first rose, especially, was wonderfully captured.

  7. Beautiful! We are in Autumn here but mine are still flowering.

  8. They are all beautiful, I choose the last one.

  9. Gorgeous roses Sharon, my favourite summer flower 🌹

  10. Your photos are breathtaking!!
