Thursday, May 6, 2021

Small Celebration


Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), an unofficial Mexican Holiday that we Americans celebrate mostly by eating lots of delicious Mexican food and drinking one or two Margaritas.  In the past, I've always joined a group of friends for a fun evening of good food and lively conversation.  Last year, I was only able to think about it and remember celebrations past.  This year, I actually did make it to a Mexican restaurant with just one friend and sitting on the outside patio.  Not quite the same as years past but it's a start.

I went to Los Sombreros and this time I tried the enchiladas mole.  They were fantastic.  Fingers crossed that next year it can be back to a group event.


Aimz said...

I think I could happily enjoy that meal and drink quite well.

Gemel said...

Looks a delicious meal and a refreshing drink. Let's hope next year is back to normal for you.

Thérèse said...

A good time for remembering that Life is a Miracle!

Catarina said...

That was wonderful, Sharon! I miss going to restaurants.
Love Mexican food.

biebkriebels said...

Hope life will be soon come back like we were used too!

Sami said...

That looks wonderful. I'm sure next year we will all be back to normal :)

Travel said...

It has been far too long since I have enjoyed good Mexican food, mine never quite works

RedPat said...

It would be a treat to be out for a meal at all, Sharon! I love mole sauce.

Steve Reed said...

Yay! Glad you got to celebrate. I love mole -- haven't had it for ages!

William Kendall said...

Quite a meal.

Bill said...

That looks delicious. Glad you could enjoy the meal with a friend, hope that we all can say that soon.

Revrunner said...

Holy Toledo! That's one heck of a Margarita! :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that looks so good Sharon, love the plate it's served on also ✨