Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Modern, Inside & Out


Today I'm showing a few photos from inside the house I featured yesterday.  The house was staged with furniture so that any future buyer could get an idea of how it would look.  There was a definite black and white theme in the furnishings.

The living area in the top photo was adjacent to the den or game room.

The master bedroom continued the black and white theme.

The master bathroom was huge with a bowl-like tub and a very fancy shower with two shower stations.  

There were a total of four bedrooms and one of them was dressed out as an office space.  There was a little private garden space just outside those windows.  

The price for this home is a whopping 6.3 million dollars.  We had a little guessing game about the price and I was way off.  I said around 3 million.  It actually makes little difference to me.  I'm not in the income bracket for any of the homes we toured.  Luckily, I'm quite happy with much smaller and more modest accommodations.  But, it is nice to have a look around.  


Gemel said...

Can't imagine why anyone would pay that amount for it.

It's a showy place if that is your thing, a little clinical for my taste.

RedPat said...

There is not much personality to a staged home but it is very impressive anyway!

William Kendall said...

Quite different.

Sami said...

Wow, didn't think it would cost that much, I thought about 2 million. I like that it has a lot of glass with great views, but as you say I too am happy with my humble abode.

Bill said...

It needs some character but I guess it's too new for that. A very spendy house.

Revrunner said...

Mmm, not sure I'd want to take a bath in a glorified sink.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I was right one million times six and a bit for good luck 😉 it is a beautiful piece of architecture Sharon but thats a hefty price tag !

Travel said...

I like it. Building in that size, price range you need something to show what you can do, but buyer are likely to want to personalize, not a house I would build unsold. I like the bathroom, but I shower alone, and the tub I could get in and out of without help, I wouldn't want it, there are other ways I could use that space. I worked for home builders for 15 years before going back to school.

Aimz said...

I like the bath and shower, but the rest of the house looks a bit minimalistic, it would suit someone though

Thérèse said...

The bowl-like tub is awesome! But I wonder about the practical side of it...
The views from the inside towards the outside is so beautiful except perhaps for the walls which cut the view.
Perfect home for a magazine.

Jack said...

If I felt like spending $6 million for a home, and I don't, this is not the one I would choose.

Susie of Arabia said...

Pretty crazy price. I sure wouldn't pay that much for it, even if I had that kind of money to throw around.