Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hiding Among the Thorns


Look who I found hiding among the thorns of that huge cactus I featured in yesterday's post.  I saw these two fledgling doves hiding among the thorny arms of the toothpick cactus.  They seemed to be patiently waiting for the return of their parents.  

They look like they are big enough to leave the nest and start exploring on their own.  Maybe mom and dad left them there to see if they would spread their wings and fly.  


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Aren't they just darling Sharon, always surprises me that they make their nests surrounded by thorns, good protection from predators though ✨

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice find.

Andy said...

Fantastic closeup photography Sharon. Doves truly are the symbol of peace.

William Kendall said...

What a pretty pair.

Travel said...

You can almost hear them, coooo

RedPat said...

Ithough that they were little sculptures at first! So cute.

Janey and Co. said...

Our neighbors have a flower basket on their second story balcony. Doves return there every spring to raise their young. It is so much fun to watch them. The Mom and Pop always seem to be together. Not sure what age the little ones leave these nest. ..but these two look about ready.

Catarina said...

They look content...
Great pictures, Sharon!!

Bill said...

So cute and patient.

biebkriebels said...

What a great photos!

Gemel said...


Steve Reed said...

They definitely seem about ready to go out on their own. That cactus probably makes a great nesting spot -- nothing can get at them!

Aimz said...

Oh they are so cute and fluffy.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I suspect they are good to go and just waiting for the right moment.

Susie of Arabia said...

They actually blend in quite nicely with their surroundings - so cute