Saturday, May 15, 2021

Framing the Shot


I snapped a photo of this agave plant with my cell photo and then compared it to the real thing.  Then I snapped a photo of the comparison with my camera.  Camera in one hand and cell phone in the other, I wasn't sure if it would work but it did.

Here's the result!  I actually took almost the same photo with my camera but, in this case I liked the cell phone shot better.  


Travel said...

Near shots. Taking that little slice out of a scene can make such an interesting image.

Catarina said...

It worked beautifully.

Thérèse said...

I notice that, for close shots, it works often better with the cell phone because of the maximum aperture (around 1,9 on mine).

William Kendall said...

Well done!

Steve Reed said...

Excellent! A photo of your photo! Sometimes cell phone pictures DO work out better, for some reason -- for me it's usually when I want deep depth-of-field.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very creative. And interesting that we've come to the point where phone cameras are so good they can beat out a DSLR!

Bill said...

A nice comparison, well done!

Gemel said...

Great photo. Sometimes phones are better.

RedPat said...

It makes a good shot,Sharon.

Aimz said...

I wish my phone was as good as yours, it's as good as a camera shot.