Friday, May 28, 2021

Especially for the Bees


I enjoy the challenge of photographing these delicate white flowers.  They grow on long, thin stems and the blooms are just three or four petals.  They are always swaying in the breeze making them hard to get a clear shot.  The plant is called White Gaura Belleza and sometimes referred to as Bee Blossom.  I took this photo just last weekend when I was at the garden.

As you can see from this shot from last year, it does attract the bees.  

Here is a photo from another past walk at the garden.  The flowers themselves are difficult to photograph but add a bee or two and it's quite a challenge.  As you can see, I haven't backed away from the challenge.  It thrills me when I'm able to catch a good shot.  


Steve Reed said...

I recognized it immediately! We have gauras here too, though I'm not sure it's exactly this kind. (We had a couple in our garden for a while, but I think they perished.)

Andy said...

Glad to see that the Bee Blossoms are keeping the bees busy.


Thérèse said...

Great details. Gauras are so easy to take care of.

Travel said...

Nice bees, healthy looking honeybees.

RedPat said...

Those are great shots with the bees, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots.

Bill said...

Wow, incredible captures of the bees.

Aimz said...

Always good to encourage the bees in the garden, I'm hoping my plants keep going for them through Winter.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The combination of flowers and their pollinators is an occasion to be celebrated.

Gemel said...

Lovely shots.

Susie of Arabia said...

Great closeups!