Thursday, May 20, 2021

Amusing Signs


As of this last weekend, Trader Joe's (grocery store) was still allowing only so many people in the store at a time.  Consequently, there is always a well-spaced line of people outside the store waiting to get in to do their shopping.  I noticed the last time I was there that they had put up a few clever signs to amuse the people waiting.  I especially liked this one, a clever take on the famous British slogan, "Keep Calm and Carry On".  I snapped a photo of the sign while I was waiting and sent it to my sister.

My sister then sent me this sign that she saw at her dog's veterinarian's office.  I thought it was equally amusing.  The artist got those 'beagles' dressed and lined up perfectly!


Andy said...

Thank you... I needed something to make me smile. (‾⌣‾)

Travel said...

Love them both,

William Kendall said...

These are good!

Catarina said...

Humorous signs.

RedPat said...

They are both winners, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

I like how the "Paul" beagle is barefoot -- just like the album cover. :)

Bill said...

I love them, they made me laugh too. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

They both made me laugh! I was going to say what Steve (above) said about Paul being barefoot on the Abbey Road album cover. They got it right!

Sami said...

LOL, so funny. I'm glad some people have great imagination.

Aimz said...

ha ha someone has a good sense of humour.