Thursday, April 29, 2021

Two Pools and Peacocks


I'm returning to "The Secret Garden" that I introduced yesterday.  This was certainly an unexpected environment and quite delightful to see.

This one of the swimming pools in the yard.  This one fits in perfectly with the strong Asian theme.  I love that elaborate gate at one end.

The other pool was on the opposite side of the yard and to be perfectly fair, it actually belongs to the house next door that at some point in time became part of the same property.  

There Was an alligator living in one of the ponds.  Fortunately, he was made of stone.

And Buddhas were found all over the garden.

I saw a group of people looking up toward the roof so I glanced up to see this peacock prancing around trying to impress his mate who seemed to be totally disinterested.

As you can see from these and yesterday's photos, this is quite a place.  I'm so glad I got to see it.  


Stefan Jansson said...

A nice look inside the garden. Extra points for the alligator.

William Kendall said...

What a grand place.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm so happy we got to see it also Sharon, it really is a huge space. Can't wait to see the picture you take of the front when you return there, hard to imagine the front isn't as incredible as this garden. I looooove peacocks, what a treat 💜

Steve Reed said...

More great pictures from this amazing place. I can't imagine having to care for not one but TWO pools. That peacock is trying so hard! LOL

RedPat said...

Imagine living there! It would be so peaceful.

Revrunner said...

Buddhas, I think, are the eastern version of Francis'.

Travel said...

Very tropical - alligators make life interesting

Bill said...

What a gorgeous place, the alligator was an unexpected surprise, glad he's made of stone. :)

Aimz said...

Definitely a secret garden, I want to get into that pool.

Gemel said...

I would love to live in that garden...