Friday, April 30, 2021

Inside the House


The Phoenix Home and Garden tour guests got to see the inside of the home with "the secret garden."  And as you might expect, the inside tended to mirror the exotic nature of the garden.

Above and to the left are just two examples of the presence of Buddha in the home.  There were many more.  

This living space had floor to ceiling windows that looked out on the garden and mirrored panels that help to make the room look extra big.  

The dining room was furnished with wood walls and display cases that were apparently salvaged from some castle in Europe.  That room also had floor to ceiling windows looking out on the garden.

More mirrors lined the entrance hall along with more Buddhas and other statues. 

All of this was hidden behind a very simple facade.  If you drove past this house, you would never even guess what was inside and in the yard.  

This one was well worth the visit.


Stefan Jansson said...

A fun visit no doubt.

biebkriebels said...

It is a beauty!

Людмила Кишкунова said...

Это как музей! Шикарно!

RedPat said...

The whole place is so exotic, Sharon! Wonderful!

William Kendall said...

Quite beautiful inside.

Bill said...

the inside is beautiful to see.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful and exotic!

Revrunner said...

I was going to say that the woodwork did have a very European, even German, look.

Thérèse said...

A Buddhas' home for sure.

Steve Reed said...

I think this is my favorite of all the houses you've shown on your various house tours. I love the deep green secluded garden and the big windows, not to mention all the Buddhas!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How wonderful to see Sharon, the use of mirrors is very clever and those views out to the garden would be stunning 💛

Gemel said...

I prefer the outside.

Aimz said...

Liking the house, it's very grand.

Catarina said...

Very impressive...