Thursday, April 1, 2021

Theme Day: April Fools


It's April Fool's Day and for City Daily Photo Bloggers it is also Theme Day.  And, today's theme is exactly that "April Fools".  

I chose a photo from the archives of me being silly with a Liza Minnelli face mask.

Three years ago I took a tour of the historic Arizona Biltmore Hotel and at the end of the tour they handed out these hand-held face masks representing some of the famous people who have stayed at the hotel.  I got Liza Minnelli.

I'm also fooling you into thinking it is cold enough to wear a jacket.  It's not.  This photo was taken in early February.  It's in the 90's (32C) today so no coat is necessary.

To see the "foolish" posts of other daily photo bloggers, click here.


Andy said...

I guess I am the fool... I forgot all about it. [o_0]

Travel said...

How fun,

William Kendall said...

Good take on the theme.

Steve Reed said...

Did they make you sing? :)

RedPat said...

Good one, Sharon! This was a hard theme but you did well.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You certainly made me smile Sharon 😀

Bill said...

That a good one for the theme Sharon.

Denton said...

Nice choice. Stay warm ;)

Revrunner said...

A jacket in Phoenix and in April? Well, I guess that's still possible.

Jim said...

Good one.

Catalyst said...

I got fooled by the BRD. I won't tell you how.

Janey and Co. said...

It’s a day you can be silly. My kids use to love pulling pranks on me.

Gemel said...


Aimz said...

The day came and went for us but your Liza mask looks fun.