Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Crown Jewels Room


A visit to the Heard Museum's Gift shop is almost as entertaining as the exhibits inside the museum.  I stop in every time I visit.  Attached to the gift shop is a room called the Berlin Gallery where extremely high-end Native American art works are displayed and sold.  I've always thought of it as the Crown Jewels of Native American Art.

That's where I found this huge Kachina carving.  It is hard to tell in the photo but this fellow is as tall as I am. The artist is Cecil Calnimptewa a Hopi Indian. He calls this artwork  "Shalako" and it's a mere $25,000.00 in case any of you are interested.  This fellow would certainly be the center of attention in any collection.

I also admired this bronze sculpture of five women.  There wasn't a descriptive card on this one but I'm guessing it's by Doug Hyde. It looks like his style.  

I make a point of visiting the "Crown Jewels" every time I visit the museum.  I can't afford anything in that room but looking is always free.


  1. Lovely works of art... but I can only afford the price of admission.

  2. You can always dream! That first piece is incredible, Sharon!

  3. OK, I would NEVER have guessed from the picture how big that first piece is. It's interesting how photography can interfere with our ability to judge scale, isn't it? Interesting pieces, anyway!

  4. How beautiful especially the bronze piece at least for me.

  5. Интересная скульптура! Я подписалась на Ваш блог!
