Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Enjoying Nature


Sunday morning was perfect for a long walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  I started at 7:00 AM for the members only hour but I stayed until after 10:00.  I'm so glad I did because temperatures are predicted to warm up by the end of this week.  I was lucky to see this gorgeous cactus bloom before it fades during the day.  

I also saw lots and lots of desert creatures who were also out enjoying the perfect weather.  This little hummingbird was watching everything from his perch in a Palo Verde tree.

This desert spiny lizard looks like he's hanging on to a cliff but it was just a small rock.  He stayed there and watched me taking his photo from different angles.  He was most cooperative.

This Gila Woodpecker was calling out to a friend who was sitting on another saguaro down the trail a little way.  He soon flew off to join his friend.

I once saw a great horned owl in this tree so I always make a point of looking to see if it has returned.  I was surprised to find this heron sitting in the same place the owl sometimes sits.  That was a totally unexpected sight.

There was a lot to see, the weather was perfect and the garden was quiet.  What more could I ask for?


biebkriebels said...

Beautiful photos, that lizard and the birds wonderful!

Andy said...

Oh my! On a nice beautiful sunny day, surrounded by nature at it's best. Lucky you.

Gemel said...

Beautiful day out for you all. The hummingbird and Gilla woodpecker are stunning. Like the lizard too really enjoy seeing wildlife in your art of the world Sharon.

Travel said...

Pretty birds,

RedPat said...

What a thrill to be able to be out and about and see such wonderful creatures, Sharon! We continue our lockdown here.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots. The lizard looks like quite a character.

Bill said...

Great photos, Sharon. I love the lizard, never seen one that close. Nice looking heron too.

Revrunner said...

Looks like the owl might have been displaced.

Steve Reed said...

You got some great shots! I especially love the lizard -- so unlike anything I would ever see here. (Or have ever seen, come to think of it.)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You never fail to take amazing shots at the Botanical gardens Sharon, one of your favourite spots. Beautiful series captured here 💜

Catalyst said...

Spectacular, Sharon. As I always say, you belong in Arizona Highways!

Thérèse said...

You had such a great "shots's day" Sharon!

Aimz said...

Lots of neat shots there.