Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Rusty Stagecoach and Cowboy


I took these photos back in September when I took a drive in the north half of the valley.  These were taken at a landscaping firm in Cave Creek Arizona.  Along with a huge variety of plants, they also sell lots of artistic ornamentations.  So if you are in the market for a rusty stagecoach this is the place to go.  

I always wonder if they have much luck selling these things.  However, I have seen things similar to this in a variety of places so there must be a market for them.

Ride'em Cowboy!


Andy said...

Yee haw! It's cowboy land! Roy and Gene were my favourite.

biebkriebels said...

Not in my backgarden! :)

Travel said...

I don't think it would fit on my terrace

RedPat said...

I can see these fitting into a large location out there. Not really suitable for my deck!

Karl said...

Beautiful !

Steve Reed said...

Interesting, but I wouldn't want it in my yard.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very nice they are an expensive sculpture

William Kendall said...

No room in my apartment.

Catarina said...

Wow! Very impressive!

Catalyst said...

Gadfrey! Who would put that stuff in front of their house? Tex is gone, isn't he?

Thérèse said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Aren't they amazing Sharon.. lifesize! I can see businesses buying these, or galleries ✨

Aimz said...

Metal sculptures I think are always so clever.