Friday, February 19, 2021

Roses, Roses, Roses


Back on Valentines Day, I posted a photo of some unusual looking roses I spotted while at Walgreens.  Later that day I bought a bouquet of red roses at the supermarket and they have opened up beautifully.  Above is one of the blooms.

That got me to thinking about all the roses I've seen lately like this Iceberg Rose that I saw the last time I was at the Desert Botanical Garden.  They have several rose bushes but the Iceberg Rose plant is the one that blooms the most.

This red beauty is one I saw at Steele Indian School Park.  They have quite a few roses that are blooming this time of year.  

I photographed this pretty pink rose at my local nursery.  I love roaming around the paths at the nursery and admiring all the blooms on the various plants.  

This rose was in a bouquet that was on the desk of a co-worker back when I was actually working in the office.  So it's not as recent as the other photos but it was so pretty I decided to include it too.  

I hope you enjoyed seeing all these pretty flowers.  I felt like today would be a good day for my blog to feature some natural beauty.  


PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love them all Sharon, I bet the last rose had a wonderful perfume, that colour usually does. Happy weekend to you 🌹

biebkriebels said...

They all look beautiful!

Andy said...

Thank you Sharon. You just brighten up my day with flowers and sunshine.

Travel said...

Is it me, or do roses smell less than they did 40 years ago? Very pretty, we need a little sunshine this week.

RedPat said...

The jolt of beauty was perfect for the day, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

I can practically smell them!

Bill said...

You captured the beauty of those flowers. Well done, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

They certainly are pretty.

Catalyst said...

A fantastic collection. Thanks for showing them.

Revrunner said...

Shazam! Nothing like a red rose to beat the February winter blues. :-)

Aimz said...

Spring, perfect time for roses, mine are still flowering here.