Friday, February 26, 2021

Living Near the Art


I'm not sure why I never noticed these condo units before.  I guess when I've been in this part of Scottsdale I've been more focused on the galleries and art.  When I went for my walk last weekend, I noticed that two of the gallery locations have apartments above them.

On both sides of the open space the buildings appear to have living spaces above the galleries and shops.  I wonder if I would enjoy living right in the heart of all this activity.  Something tells me I would love it.

Most of the shops along 5th Avenue in Scottsdale are single story with a more rustic, western look to them.  But that one small section featured in the first two photos is new and modern looking.  In wonder if any of the gallery owners live in those condos.  They would be very close to work if they did!


Andy said...

Lots of windows in those units and the grounds look so clean. Is it time to make a move Sharon?

Stefan Jansson said...

They do look very modern.

Steve Reed said...

I think it would be pretty cool to live above shops or galleries. As long as there were no nightclubs in the immediate vicinity!

biebkriebels said...

To live above a shop can be noisy, but maybe not with a gallery.

William Kendall said...

I've seen similar units here.

Travel said...

Love it, I'd live there.

RedPat said...

Something tells me that you would love it!

Marleen said...

They look very nice and modern.

Revrunner said...

That's a lot like where I live at the moment. Super convenient living, although there it can be a bit noisy at times.

Bill said...

They look very attractive and would be a great place to live surrounded by art gallleries.

Aimz said...

I'd live there, I imagine I'd be down in the gallery most days.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think I might like that too Sharon, surrounded by art could only be good 😉

Susie of Arabia said...

I think I would love living there too. Looks like a really nice place and it would be nice to be able to walk to nearby businesses - and of course the art galleries!