Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sunshine One Day, Snow the Next


I have two photos today from guest photographers, my good friends Julie and Dave.  They have that wonderful broad view from their perch on the north side of Camelback Mountain.  I mentioned that we had cloudy skies and intermittent rain over the last weekend.  They texted this photo to me on Sunday evening when a break in the clouds lit up the McDowell Mountains to the northeast of the valley.  Usually they are just a blue line of mountains in the distance but this time they were glowing.

Then on Monday, they sent another photo of the same view after we had our freak snow storm.  Now the mountains are covered with a dusting of fresh snow.  Same viewpoint; two different looks.  Both are beautiful!  Thanks Julie and Dave for sharing these great photos.


  1. The evening sky looks fantastic. Julie and Dave should have their own photo blog.

  2. Wow! One of the things my father loved about Phoenix, was that in a couple of hours drive the climate changed so dramatically

  3. What views, Sharon! It is hard to pick a favourite from these!

  4. Beautiful! That first photo reminds me of Ernest Blumenschein's paintings of New Mexico.

  5. Both are beautiful, Sharon. Could be two different seasons...

  6. Boeth are beautiful yet so different.

  7. WOW! What a beautiful part of the planet you live. Fabulous photos.

  8. Great view and wonderful photos. Have you considered moving in with them?

  9. Two very different but both fabulous views, love the snow! Nice work Julie and Dave 💙

  10. How lucky they are having that view every single day...
    Both pics are gorgeous, but the first one is outstanding!!

  11. What a huge difference in the two shots. The glowing mountains in the first shot are spectacular.
