Monday, January 4, 2021



A few weeks before Christmas, I had a craving for some Mexican food.  I had recently learned that one of my favorite places, Los Sombreros had opened another restaurant that I thought might be closer to me than the one in Scottsdale.  So I drove over there and ordered one of my favorites - smoked chicken enchiladas - to go, of course.  I waited outside and discovered this little patio off to the side of the restaurant.  That's where I saw this great mural.  It looks like guests might be sitting on a patio in a Mexican village.

The inside was very pleasant also.  A sign of the times is that this place was very quiet.  There was one table of guests on that patio and one table inside on the opposite of this room.  I'm not comfortable eating at a restaurant these days.  I'll continue to do take-out or cook at home until I know it's safe.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


  1. The mural has lovely street scene. The restaurant looks like a nice place to sit down and have a meal... save it for another time when the pandemic is over.

  2. Such a lovely mural Sharon, and the restaurant looks great too. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. That looks very real indeed, one to dream away....

  4. Smoked Chicken Enchiladas sound wonderful, and a pretty place to go with it.

  5. At least you can still do take-out and support them that way. Many of our restaurants (or pubs, anyway) are entirely closed here because of our current restrictions, and restaurants can only do take-away.

  6. It does look very welcoming! I hope they survive!

  7. I like the mural and the place does look nice and inviting.

  8. Looks like a beautiful restaurant. I love the star lights and the mural. But - Was the food good?

  9. Enchiladas: my favorite Mexican food. I am craving for so many different foods! We haven't been out for so long... I even bought a new cook book to try new recipes, I start to be bored with my owns.
