Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Colorful Bubbles and Baubles


I took these photos over a year ago when shopping was an enjoyable pastime.  This is looking in the door of a home decorating store at Kierland Commons in north Scottsdale.  It feels like ages since I've been to that shopping center.  I miss those days when I could meet a friend for a leisurely lunch and an hour or two of just wandering through interesting stores.

Anyway, I liked the look of all those colorful glass bulbs hanging around that fountain. They make a pretty display even if they are not necessarily functional.  


  1. We all miss the days we just went out and enjoyed the shops we passed. It seems all so long ago...... I feel like a hermit :(

  2. They do look lovely Sharon, jewel like colours. I'm sure this year will see a vaccine and things getting back to a new kind of normal 💙

  3. Wouldn't they look wonderful in front of a window? I miss so many things too, Sharon.

  4. They remind me of those old-fashioned fishing floats made of glass.

  5. I agree they are colorful and a pretty surprise.

  6. I really like the colours of those glass bulbs, here's hoping that 2021 will be a bit more sociable for everyone.
