Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Poinsettias, Roses and Something New


I took another walk at the Desert Botanical Garden last Sunday and I couldn't resist a close up of the bright red poinsettias scattered all around the garden.  

A little later, the rose bushes caught my eye.  They didn't have a lot of blooms but this one that is called Violet's Pride, had two nice looking blooms that I found very appealing.  

After admiring the roses, I found this new plant that was growing a large pot.  The sign named it "Vermillionaire".  I had never heard that name before.  I've seen something similar called a firecracker plant.  But I must say vermillionaire sounds way more elegant.  


  1. Flowers growing outdoors in December... I envy you.

  2. When the desert blooms, it is spectacular.

  3. What a striking colour the red poinsettias have! Beautiful.

  4. It is lovely to see a rose still blooming!

  5. Nice close-ups! I've never heard of a "vermillionaire" (I wonder if that's the name of the hybrid, as opposed to the species?) but something tells me it wouldn't grow here.

  6. The last one we call a Cigar Plant, they tend to self seed everywhere but they're pretty.
