Monday, December 21, 2020

Candy Wrapper Sun

My Art Challenge group met last Friday evening (via Zoom of course) to share the results of our December challenge.  The subject was "The Sun" and once again, there was a huge variety of art works depicting the sun.  This is my entry.  I painted a blue sky background and then created a sun made from candy wrappers I had saved.  Several months ago, I bought a packet of Dove candies filled with soft caramel.  I thought the wrappers were so pretty, I saved them thinking I might be able to use them in some sort of art project.  This was the perfect one.

Our club never used to meet during the winter months because that is when everything happens here in Arizona.  All the big charity and sporting events happen between December and March making those months so busy, it's hard to find meeting times that meet everyone's schedules.  We usually only meet May through October.  That has all changed this year for the obvious reasons.  So we are continuing on.  After all, it gives us something to do during this stay-at-home year.  Our January challenge will be "Kite".  I'll have to give that some thought.  



  1. I admire your creative talents! Very well done.

  2. Sharon I am surprised and amazed at what you have done with candy wrappers... out of this world!

  3. Very pretty, the sky is so blue. I discovered heavy body acrylic paints a few years ago, I need to work on incorporating layering other materials onto the paint.

  4. Well I am impressed. That is so clever. Great idea that you are meeting during these long boring months.

  5. Nice! I love that you saved those candy wrappers and were able to repurpose them.

  6. What a wonderful little piece of art. We are so much in need of light in our life. It's a reminder to stay optimistic.

  7. Creativity at its best! Great work of art, Sharon. Now when I have a candy wrapper, I'll think of you saving them. :)

  8. I agree with all the other kind comments. But you know, it does kind of look like a Covid-19 logo.

  9. I would gladly consume so more of your caramels giving you more material to work with. :-)

  10. what a cool idea. I never thought of doing that with wrappers. Have a good Christmas and stay safe.
