Friday, November 6, 2020

Viewing the Sunset


A few minutes before the sunset I posted yesterday, I saw this crowd of people up in the "hole-in-the-rock" at Papago Park.  It looks like lots of sunset viewers had gathered to watch the sunset develop.

I zoomed in a little more check out the crowd.  They certainly have a good vantage point to see that spectacular sunset.  But given the rising Covid-19 numbers, it seems a little too congested for my taste.  


  1. That is a very interesting lookout. I agree with your thoughts about Covid-19.

  2. It looks like a big mouth full of people! Funny photo.

  3. WOW that place is totally amazing.

  4. What a cool place! I suppose as long as they're outside and household groups are spaced apart they should be OK -- but yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want to get up there among them!

  5. It looks like a fun place to visit, in a year or two.

  6. What an amazing spot to watch the sunset Sharon, pretty unique 💜 Hopefully the group's together ard family groups 😉 Happy weekend 💙

  7. A fantastic location but not the time to be around a lot of people that's for sure.

  8. Wow, what an amazing spot to watch the sunset. The people look so tiny but definitely to close to each other.

  9. What an amazing photo! So many people skywatching and enjoying the desert beauty. I guess they need to go elsewhere if they are looking for desert solitude!

  10. Yes, not a lot of social distancing going on here.
