Thursday, November 26, 2020

Things To Be Thankful For


Today is Thanksgiving here in the United States and it got me to thinking about things I am personally thankful for.  Given how awful the year 2020 has been, it took me a few minutes to come up with my list.  So, here goes....

  • I'm thankful that 2020 is coming to an end even though much of the world's problems will still be with us, there is new hope on the horizon that progress can be made.
  • I'm thankful for the few brave elected or appointed officials who stood up for truth, civility and fairness while lies, acrimony and stupidity seemed to be the order of the day.
  • I'm thankful that my two sisters both made it through serious health issues recently and are having a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day today.
  • I'm thankful for my close friends who have found new and fun ways to stay in touch and to make this current physical isolation feel more like a moveable feast.
  • I'm thankful for my blogging community.  I get to take a little virtual trip around the world every day. Your photos and words always inspire me. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Catarina said...

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Sharon.

Andy said...

I am thankful that the turkey in the White House will soon be replaced. \(^-^)/

RedPat said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Sharon! I hope it is a good one!

Lea said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Travel said...

Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful I found your blogs this year, a fine addition to my morning reads.

Catalyst said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon. I'm thankful for your exceptional photographic skills!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Happy Thanks giving, we all have something to be thankful for

Karl said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon !

Bill said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon.

Revrunner said...

Ditto. Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon!

Gemel said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sharon, I enjoy my visits to your part of the world each day too.

Steve Reed said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon! I too am thankful for blogging and our little community of bloggers.

Aimz said...

Agree I'm definitely thankful 2020 is nearly over, let's hope 2021 is better. Happy Thanksgiving.

William Kendall said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Janey and Co. said...

What a nice list of blessings. I hope you had a nice day..

Susie of Arabia said...

We do have much to be thankful for. Inauguration day can't come soon enough for me. I'm glad your sisters are doing well now. I hope they didn't have Covid.
Our Thanksgiving was small and quiet without the usual guests - but we have lots of leftovers, my favorite! Wishing you a lovely holiday season and a better year ahead for all of us.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I'm so happy your sisters are well again Sharon, I have two sisters also and they are very precious to me. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving ✨