Thursday, November 12, 2020

Attention Getting Businesses


Here are a few businesses that have caught my eye.  Above is a new music store in Scottsdale.  I loved the keyboard on the awning but I wondered why they didn't paint all the panels like that. I think it needs a full keyboard.

To the left is "CARVANA" a car "vending machine".  Do you have one of these near you?  I hear they have locations all over.  The idea is supposed to be an easy way to buy a car with no haggling or negotiating and easy financing.  One of these days, I'd like to get a photo of this place at night.  It really looks strange lit up at night just like a giant vending machine.  This place is in Tempe.

The breakfast restaurant above has a rather far reaching name.  Are the eggs really that good?

And, to the right is a sign I saw in central Phoenix directing people to a variety of locally owned businesses in the area.  That's quite a variety of businesses.  


PerthDailyPhoto said...

The car vending machine and the mega multi signpost win for me Sharon, that's what you call making the best use of a space 😉

biebkriebels said...

A nice variety of advertisements, the tower with cars is very special, never seen before.

Steve Reed said...

I agree about the piano keys. They should do the whole awning. There's a glass parking structure (or maybe it's a car shop) like that in Hammersmith. And yeah, how good can eggs REALLY be, after all?

Travel said...

I can't imagine buying a car, without driving it first. Negotiating has never bothered me, my father taught me how to make car salespeople cry. When I bought the convertible, they showed me the price, I crossed it out and wrote in what I was willing to pay, the salesperson said, NO WAY, I said, "Try it on your manager" (Who was sitting 10 feet away listening.) A minute later the manager signed off on it. Cheese and Clutter shops, my kind of places.

RedPat said...

We have TV ads for that car place but I don't know if there is a physical location here. I agree about the piano keys!

Revrunner said...

Hmm, you got your car out of a gum machine, you say. :-)

Bill said...

Interesting way to purchase a car. I never heard of that but it is a different way to avoid the dealers.

William Kendall said...

That is a weird way to display cars.

Gemel said...

Love the first one.
Weird way to display cars I agree.

Aimz said...

I like it when a business advertises on it's building what it is, makes it stand out more.

Thérèse said...

Never heard of a car vending machine..
Such a good name for the breakfast place: "Eggstazy" the best name ever. I would love to go there once. I miss "Changing Hands"...