Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Horses and Coaches


There is a house I drive past whenever I head up to the north Scottsdale area that has had these figures in the front yard for as long as I can remember.  

On one side of the yard is the horse pulling the coach and on the other side are these two horses.  The one that is rearing up looks like it would like find greener pastures.  


Steve Reed said...

I thought that first one was a REAL horse and coach!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thought that would hav ebeen a horse and buggy, great sculptures

biebkriebels said...

They look very real. There must be living a aculptor I suppose...

RedPat said...

I thought that was a real horse & buggy too!

Revrunner said...

Where in the world, I wonder, did they find someone to create these?

Travel said...

Interesting lawn art.

Thérèse said...

As Steve said, at first sight one could think it's a real carriage and horse...

Bill said...

I agree with Steve too, it looks so real.

William Kendall said...

I like these!

Susie of Arabia said...

How interesting to have them at a private residence!

Jack said...

The top horse is remarkably realistic.

Karl said...

I agree with Jack.

Aimz said...

Someone has done a good job of creating those sculptures, people are clever.