Saturday, November 7, 2020

Feathered Greeters


The event I went to last Sunday night  started with greetings from some interesting characters.  First up was this Spectacled Owl. It's called that because the white color around its eyes looks like it is wearing glasses.  He looks very "wise" doesn't he?

The next one offering greetings was this yellow crested cockatoo.  I love that slight blush on its feathery cheek.  

The last of the feathered greeters was this Hyacinth Macaw.  We were told that this fellow doesn't care to be out doors after the sun goes down so he was about to depart for  his in-door perch.

All of these wonderful birds were part of the greeting of guests at the opening of the Phoenix Zoo's annual Zoo Lights event.  The event will be staged a little differently this year.  It will be a drive-through event.  My friends Julie and Dave are zoo supporters so they were able to go to the opening fundraiser and they invited me to go along.  It was fun.  We never got out of our car but we enjoyed the feathered greeters above along with dinner from a variety of food trucks and then as the sky darkened we got to drive through the zoo and enjoy the lights.  I'll have some photos of the "lights" in future posts.


biebkriebels said...

What a wonderful photos, they pose special for you!

Gemel said...

Lovely birds.

Travel said...

Pretty Birds, even if they are the kind that fly.

Andy said...

This posting is for the birds... but I love it! ~(‾▿‾)~

RedPat said...

That owl is spectacular! You have nice friends to take you along, Sharon!

Bill said...

Those greeters certainly wanted you to capture their beauty for all to see and you did. Great captures, Sharon.

Janey and Co. said...

Love these, especially the photo of the Macaw.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a delightful welcoming crew Sharon, love them all but oh my the owl is faaaaabulous!

Steve Reed said...

How funny that the macaw doesn't like to be outdoors at night. Must be something in his DNA that tells him he's more vulnerable.

Beautiful owl!

Aimz said...

oh I love those birds, the owl is my favourite - I hope the other 2 talked to you.

Revrunner said...

Owls are such fascinating creatures!

William Kendall said...

They are beautiful!