Thursday, October 1, 2020

Theme Day: My Response to Covid-19


First of all, I know I said that theme days were ending last month but it turns out that they have been resurrected.  So the City Daily Photo Bloggers theme for October 1st is "Your Response to Covid-19".  I had to give this some thought because my response has evolved as I'm sure it has for all of us.  At the beginning, I stayed home all the time and only left the house to buy groceries.  Now that we've learned more about the virus, I find that I'm doing a lot more like getting my hair cut, seeing doctors and this week having my car serviced.   The photo above represents a new activity I've indulged in.  My friend David and I have been sending each other post cards ever since this craziness started.  We both seem to have quite a collection of post cards from travels and other sources and what started as a bit of fun has turned into something we both enjoy and look forward to.  The photo above shows a few of the cards that David has sent me.  We never know what location or work of art we will see in our mailbox next.

It should be noted that I'm doing all of my outside the house activities with my mask on.  And I've decided that if I have to wear a mask, why not make it a fashionable one.  I've got eight masks in various colorful fabrics so I can mix and match them.

The things I haven't been doing is traveling which I'm not happy about.  I just heard yesterday that some international flights are going to start again in October but with the infection numbers ticking up again in so many places, that doesn't seem to be a wise decision.  

I also have not eaten at any restaurants in six months.  That's a long time for someone who managed to eat out once or twice a week before.  I have picked up a lot of take-out food but that really isn't the same as being served freshly prepared food in a great environment. 

I'm very thankful for technology like Zoom!  At least I can meet up with friends virtually.  And, I do meet them via Zoom on a regular basis.  We've even had Zoom dinner parties.  They have involved multiple kitchens but at least we get to eat together.  Thank goodness for Zoom!


  1. Here the infections have increased and after a time of a little relief and going out a little further than the supermarket we are back to zero now for three weeks....

  2. For me the biggest changes have been learning to work from home, and my morning walks in the marsh - time for me to head out for that.

  3. Excellent post for the theme Sharon, love your mask. I think there are things we will all do a bit differently from now on and possibly always. Lovely idea re the postcards, getting post that isn't bills of some sort is exciting because of its rarity ✨

  4. I feel like I haven't been doing enough with Zoom. The technology is there, so why am I not talking more to my friends in the states? Just old habits, I suppose!

    I love the postcards idea. I miss postcards. They were such a fun way to stay in touch with people.

  5. Such a wonderful post with lots of detail. Love you idea of exchanging post cards and looking forward to travel in the future. Also, I really like your mask fashion statement. Check out Mary Beth's mask fashion statement,

  6. I hear you! Some of your activities are mirrors of my own, too. In addition I have started my own Covid-19 letter project: Each week I send about two real honest-to-goodness notes/letters by snail mail to friends, family, colleagues, and even some casual acquaintances. Who doesn't like getting something in the mailbox!? Send me your address (by gmail), and I will happily send you a letter! Open invitation to anyone on CDP!

  7. I haven't had occasion to make any use of zoom through all of this.

  8. I, too, like your mask. But I'd rather see your face! :^D

  9. I love your postcard idea, Sharon. I have been printng a different pic of myself and adding a note and sending it to my Dad each week so that he feels like he has been seeing me. It seems to be working!

  10. I love your post Sharon. What a beautiful collection of postcards and a great idea. Yes, like you I think it is a must to keep on wearing mask for any outdoor activities.

  11. I like your mask too. We have to be smart during this crazy time. We haven't eaten out at all this year, it' hard to believe that. I walk every morning down by the river and its peaceful. There are a bunch of regular walkers and we greet each other, it's short and friendly. I still find it weird that we can't get close to people and have a conversation. Will we ever remember how it used to be? Time will tell. Have a nice day and stay safe!
    Love the postcard idea.

  12. I ordered some face masks a few weeks ago but they are not as colourful as yours though. I like yours better than mine. Our PM is talking about opening up International fights with Australia by the end of the year but I think that'll be it for a while.

  13. Lovely mask. I agree with you, if you have to wear a mask, make it a cheerful one.

  14. The post card idea is a good one. I just wear boring masks . . . maybe fashionable masks are a girl thing? But I have been eating in restaurants. In Connecticut where the infection rates are pretty low, the Town of West Hartford has done a good job of creating outdoor spaces for the many restaurants in West Hartford Center, and I have felt pretty safe about socially distanced dining with masks until seated at the table. Travel? I have booked Italy for next May and Spain for next September. I hope things are under control by then.
