Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!


Halloween has arrived and it's sure to be a bit different this year.  I don't think there will be any children going door to door in their creative costumes.  And, there probably won't be many Halloween parties.  On the good side, maybe a few of those anti-maskers will finally actually put on a mask!

Enjoy something sweet!


  1. Boo! For sure Halloween will not be the same this year.

  2. It is going to be a strange Halloween!

  3. Perfect picture for a kind of a frozen Halloween. Sad.

  4. This is the first year I don't know what is allowed and not allowed tonight.

  5. Ha! I didn't think about that -- the medical benefits of Halloween masks!

  6. Wow so different for you over there, there were children out around the neighbourhood yesterday doing the trick or treat thing here.
    Hope things settle down and return to normal for you soon.

  7. I like your last line of advice. I picked up a bag of candy along with other groceries today but we have our lights off hoping to repeat last year: no beggars at our door.

  8. Happy Halloween Sharon and yes I did eat something sweet, a whole box of something sweet as my usual trick or treaters stayed home this year 😉
