Monday, October 5, 2020

Fly Away Little Bird


I took another early morning walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday, this time after sunrise.  The garden switched their early hours on October 1st so the early hour for members is now 7:00 am instead of 6:00.  That meant that I watched the sunrise on the drive over rather than from the high spot at the garden.  While I was there I saw a group of goldfinches chowing down on sunflower seeds.

And then this one flew away.  I don't think I've ever captured the underside of the wings of a goldfinch before.  He wasn't leaving because of me.  He just flew over to another plant looking for more seeds.


biebkriebels said...

Wow, you caught him wonderful in the flight!

Andy said...

Nice timing to capture this little guy in flight. ~(‾▿‾)~

Travel said...

Pretty bird, great photos.

RedPat said...

What a great catch, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

So much beautiful yellow on that bird.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Bill said...

What a great capture, Sharon.

Catarina said...

Incredibly beautiful!!

Aimz said...

oh what sweeties! we mostly get the green finches here.

Gemel said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Such a pretty little bird Sharon, you caught him beautifully 💛