Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Crossing Over the Buttes & Spotting Helicopters


One of the routes I take when returning home from a visit to the Desert Botanical Garden is one the climbs over the Papago Buttes.  Those are the reddish-brown piles of rock that surround the garden.  You've seen them in the background of some of my garden photos.  This road goes uphill toward and between the mountains.

Then when you get to the top, you get this spectacular view into downtown Phoenix.  I don't go this way very often but every now and then when I think the air is clear enough for a good view, I'll head this way.

If I would have swung my camera to the right from that vantage point, I would have been looking right over the Army Reserve reservation that I mention a month or so ago when I had the photos of the military helicopters I've seen flying over the garden.  I took this photo of the sign for that base a few months ago.  

I'm not sure what they were up to on Sunday when four in a row flew right over the mountains near my house.  Some type of military exercise must have been going on.  


biebkriebels said...

It feels always a bit uncomfortable when many planes are flying over...

Andy said...

It always pays to take alternate routes. There are always surprises waiting for you.

Travel said...

Great photos, and so pretty there when the sky is clear. The only low flying planes we see here in the DC area are military,

RedPat said...

What a great view of the city from that road, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful view of the city!

Bill said...

I love the view of the city, it's a beauty.

Revrunner said...

So I guess they're not involved in fighting fires anywhere near you are they?

Gemel said...

That first photo is fabulous. I would be off exploring that area everyday if I lived there, what a magnificent landscape that surrounds the city.

Catalyst said...

Maybe those helicopters were the Secret Service advance team scouting out Trump's route from Sky Harbor to Prescott.

William Kendall said...

The buttes are quite photogenic.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I loved seeing the view of Phoenix city Sharon, we don't often think about shots like that. I wonder if our cities are similar in size, Phoenix might be a bit bigger ✨

Catarina said...

On the road again....
: )

Aimz said...

It would be completely new scenery to me, we don't have deserts here.

Susie of Arabia said...

Nice view from up there!