Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Milestone of This Pandemic


On October 1st, the Phoenix Art Museum opened to members only for the first time since the pandemic lock-down occurred in mid-March.  If all goes well, they plan on opening to the public on October 14th.  I made a reservation and went yesterday morning at 10:00.  It felt so good to do something I enjoy so much but have been unable to do for so long.  

And the best part is, they had two fabulous contemporary art exhibits.

My favorite one was a mid-career retrospective of the art work of Teresita Fernandez called "Elemental".  I was blown away by her amazing talent and creative mind.  This portion of the exhibit was called "Fire".  It consisted of several large glazed ceramic images of fire along with a circle of stretched yarn that also looked like fire.  

The "Fire" portion of the show extended into another similarly themed exhibit called "America" which consisted of 57 pieces of charcoal shaped to represent all of the contiguous states.  Running along the wall of both exhibits was a long horizon line of rough-hewn blocks of charred wood encircling the gallery.

Here's a close-up of that line and the smokey whispers around it.  "Through this work Fernandez is saying something essential about the United States, about its conbustable politics, its simmering rages, but more subtly she is suggesting that to understand a place, one has to grasp the essential characteristics that lie beneath its surface - or you are lost." (quoted from a book about her work) 

Of course looking at these four photos won't convey the true impact of the exhibit.  It really was simply stunning to see.  I'll show you a few more pieces tomorrow.  


  1. Yes I miss it too, haven't been there yet.

  2. Wow! I should make reservations and venture into the city one day,

  3. Amazing talent. Museums are good for the soul and spirit!

  4. Interesting! I love that smokey horizon. I'm so glad you were able to get back to the museum.

  5. I love the first piece of art you photographed. It's an amazing work.

  6. That sounds like a great exhibit to see. Beautiful artwork indeed.

  7. Love the first one, fascinating exhibition.

  8. Superb exhibition Sharon, you must be so happy, that's now two of your favourite places open to visit, so pleased 💛

  9. You are lucky. It has been quite a while since I have been to a museum, though I read that they are beginning to open up again around here. I like this artist's work.
