Thursday, September 24, 2020

Repairs at Landmark Towers


Landmark Tower is a condominium building that started its life as an apartment building sometime around the 1950's.  When I first moved to Arizona, I worked a few blocks from here and I learned that there were several apartments leased by famous actors and writers who wanted to spend some time in the Arizona sunshine during the winter months.  Sometime in the 1990's, the building converted to condominiums.

I recently noticed that some type of major construction is going on at the building right now.  So, I did a Google search and found that the building had some structural issues and the balconies needed to be stabilized.  When I read that it gave me a bit of a chill.  Imagine standing on a balcony like that and feeling it shake or move.  Yikes!  

It looks like the construction workers have installed their very own elevator to the back of the building.  If I was living there, I'd be pretty happy about these repairs.  Balconies are a nice feature but only if they feel solid under your feet.    


  1. Well it seems places like apartment buildings are needed more and more for people to live in, but for me I think even with the balconies being repaired I'm not sure it would make me feel safer.

  2. It looks nice to me, good that it is well maintained.

  3. The cantilevered balconies require maintenance, the building I live in has about 350 of them, every 20 years or so (in this climate) they have to be repaired.

  4. Balconies are open to all of the elements so I can see that they probably need regular maintenance!

  5. It is good news that the balconies are getting fixed before anyone gets hurt.

  6. Yeah, you definitely don't want an unstable balcony!

  7. Glad that the maintenance is not delayed. At east the people can feel good that it is being taken care of.

  8. It reminds me a bit of some buildings in this area.

  9. I would not be happy up there, ground floor for me!

  10. We had friends who lived in a penthouse apartment very near the University of Texas in Austin. Although it didn't shake, it still made me uneasy to stand on their balcony. Nice view, though.

  11. A building of that age is due for some serious maintenance.

  12. You see this is exactly why I couldn't live in a high level apartment Sharon, I would never be able to go out on the balcony anyway, my fear of heights is such a pain in the neck 😁
