Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Using the Useless

On Sunday I posted about the strange metal framework that had been installed around the old Park Central mall.  I mentioned that I thought it was pretty useless.  That is unless you happen to be a photographer looking for some interesting shots.  I decided to see if I could use it to frame some photos.

I wandered around looking for ways to use it in new and artistic ways.  This was the best I could come up with.

Probably the most puzzling is this 'covered' walk leading in and out of the center.  Shade is a very desirable element here in the desert.  Since this center houses a variety of restaurants it would make sense to provide some shade so the people working in those buildings across the street could walk over for lunch out of the sun.  As you can see from the top photo and this last one, this cover only provides shade in uneven stripes.


  1. Well at least it is good for us photo bloggers!

  2. Neat design, even if it lacks function.

  3. I pick the third photo as my favourite. It's the framing that caught my eye.

  4. I'm glad you figured out a way to use it creatively! And maybe THAT's what it's for? A "frame" for the surrounding city?

  5. Creative photos indeed. I wonder if the idea is to grow climbers over the frame to provide shade?

  6. See, there was a function after all. :-)

  7. Very odd anywhere but especially for the Valley of the (Hot) Sun!

  8. At least you found some good use for it, Sharon!

  9. Great shots, Sharon. A great challenge and results. My favorite is the third photo too, I love your framing of the building.

  10. So it was just expensive decoration over walkways? I wonder if anyone, a developer, an accountant, objected.

  11. Well, you've given it some purpose after all...

  12. You managed to take some good photos. :)

  13. I love this! So artistic - nicely done! You have a great eye!
