Wednesday, August 26, 2020

National Dog Day

According to the "National Days" calendar, today is national dog day.  In honor of man's best friend, I dug out an old photo of me and my two dogs Buffy and Jody taken sometime back in the 1980's.  We were visiting a state park in southern Utah called Coral Pink Sand Dunes.  I remember that the dogs loved running a kicking up the sand.

The photo is scanned and is pretty faded.  The sand really was a lovely pink color.


  1. You have your hands full, nice happy photo!

  2. All three of you look happy. Prints from that era had terrible color shifts, didn't age well. I think Kodak was sued over that.

  3. Dogs are more than best friends. They are also family members. That's my humble opinion.
    ) _ _ __/°°¬

  4. A day to remember all of dear dogs! A wonderful idea. I love the pic, Sharon!

  5. Happy Dogs day. My photos from that era are also pinkish

  6. In this case... woman's best friends!! : ))

  7. Happy Dogs day! Nice photo with the dogs, you and the dogs look happy and they are looking right at the camera. :)

  8. Buffy and Jody! That's awesome! Did you have a hamster named Mrs. Beasley? :)

  9. A different kind of "dune" than we have here. :-)

  10. I've wondered if those dunes really were pink.
    Our dogs have always loved adventuring with us. They make great traveling companions.

  11. What a super shot Sharon, can you believe years ago we had a Beagle called Buffy, she was adorable 💜

  12. Cute pic! The fading is a problem with my old photos too. I don't think that will ever happen with digital nowadays.
