Sunday, July 5, 2020

This Cowboy Gets Around

This cowboy was standing right in front of the entrance to the Scottsdale Museum of the West when I was there last weekend.  I knew I had seen him before.

And I was right.  I photographed him back in July of 2012 when he was standing in front of one of the galleries on Main Street in Scottsdale.

And guess what, I found two more photos of him that I took in March of 2019 when I found him standing on a corner near the Scottsdale Museum of the West.

The name of this sculpture is Maynard Dixon and it was created by artist Gary Ernest Smith.  Smith says that Maynard Dixon was the most influential artist in the development of Smith's artistic style.

Mr. Dixon has moved around a lot throughout the city of Scottsdale.  Maybe he'll settle down at the museum.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a church that dates to Roman times.


  1. Your sculptures are often changing places, but this guy looks good and is well made. Look at all those folds in his clothes, amazing.

  2. That statue certainly travels a lot :)
    I think the cowboy looks better surrounded by the cacti and pebble garden.

  3. Mr Dixon looks like he really should be thinking of settling down now Sharon.. but then again you are never too old for a change of scenery 😉

  4. I like it a lot, Sharon! The traveling cowboy!

  5. Interesting that it's moved around so much!

  6. For a cowboy without a horse he sure does get around. ;-)

  7. What a wonderful sculpture. I wonder where you'll see him next.

  8. Cowboys do tend to move around a lot.
