Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly....

...of internet service!

No one should have that many laptops on their desk!  For the past three weeks, I've been suffering from a very strange malady that made no sense at all.  My work laptop would no longer connect to the internet via wifi.  No one could figure it out.  They asked me to connect the computer via an ethernet cable which I did and that worked however, my modem and router are in a different room than my office,  So tethered to the router, I had to work from my coffee table with a series of wires draped across my living room.  Not an optimal situation for productivity.  I contacted my service provider and they blamed the computer.  My technical staff at work could find no fault with the computer.  They finally gave me a loaner laptop to use which connected without any problems but, when I joined online meetings with the loaner, my connection kept failing.

After three calls to my service provider I finally found a technician willing to listen to my problem and work on a solution.  It was determined that my modem was old and wearing out.  I spent all day Friday figuring out the problem, buying a new modem and then installing it myself (with the help of the technician on the phone). It was the only way to get help because my provider is not making any in-home service calls in Arizona or Florida because of Covid-19.  Everything is working now but there is simply no explanation for why the two work laptops had problems.  My Apple products had no connection problems at all.  

That is my explanation for why on Friday I had five laptops sitting on my desk.  My two MacBooks that worked without fail and my two work computers that each had its own set of problems.  Back in the corner is that old Dell laptop I keep for the photo editing software only.  I'm happy to say all is back to normal today and my desk looks once again like a normal work space.

So that is my Good, Bad & Ugly internet saga.  Technology is "good" when it works, "bad" when it doesn't and "ugly" when things happen that no one can make any sense of at all.


  1. Oh these problemms I hate so much. I had a problem too yesterday but my son and husband solved it for me, thank goodness!

  2. Technology, driving us crazy, keeping us employed.

  3. Two WiFi engineers got married.
    The reception was fantastic.

    Sharon I hope this cheered you up.

  4. I'm feeling more and more that I would like to pull back from technology. Nothing seems simple and no one can help you most of the time.

  5. Ugh! What a drag! But at least it's working now. I think work ought to subsidize your router purchase!

    If it makes you feel any better, we have variations among our computers regarding connectivity, too. Dave's work computer connects well but my personal Apple is dicier, and I have an older Apple that's even worse.

  6. These kinds of issues drive me crazy. Glad you're back to the good. :)

  7. Well, you know, it beats opening another tab. :-)

  8. Yup, our new "progress is good" technologies can really only produce headaches sometimes. At least you have a nice clean and large desk.

  9. Old saying: to err is human but to really screw up you need a computer

  10. You have my complete sympathy. What an absolute nightmare!

  11. Oh my gosh I'm glad that wasn't my problem Sharon, I would probably have switched everything off and gone for a walk, or sat on the floor and cried ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Glad you got the problem solved finally. I hate having technology problems.
