Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Looking for a Burger?

Over this past weekend, I was craving a burger and there is one corner not far from me where there is a good selection of choices to satisfy that craving.  Around the corner of 20th Street and Camelback Road, there is a plethora of burger joints available to try.  I've written about Hopdoddy before.  They have one of my favorite burgers which I pictured in that past post.  Hopdoddy is located on the southeast corner.

Across the street from Hopdoddy is Smash Burger, another decent burger joint.  This one is located on the southwest corner of 20th Street and Camelback Road.  This is the one I chose this last weekend.  The burgers are good but the french fries are outstanding.  They sprinkle them with rosemary.  Yum!

Just feet away from Smash Burger is the relatively new In-n-out Burger place.  This place opened at this location about two years ago and of course, became to big hit instantly.  People love this place so much that it's always busy.  Now, with inside dining almost non-existent, they have turned their huge parking lot into a huge vehicle maze to accommodate the very long lines of people using their drive-thru.  Several weeks ago, I waited in that long line for 30 minutes to get my burger.  Memories of that long wait helped to steer me to a different place this last weekend.

On the north side of Camelback Road is the old standby, Wendy's.  It's actually been there long before any of the others.  You would think with all the other options available on this particular corner, Wendy's would have taken a big hit on it's business.  Not so!  This place appears to be just as busy as it's always been.

Hungry for a burger?  Head to 20th Street and Camelback Road.  The options are many!


  1. So many good choices Sharon.. when I get the yen for a burger it's most likely going to be a Grill'd burger, but there are a lot of choices too. Your choice looks particularly delish 🍔

  2. I never eat a burger, I like a crispy sandwich with cheese.

  3. I love the Wendy's Baconator... and their Frosty.

  4. Now you have me thinking about having a burger. I like the idea of chips with rosemary sprinkled on top.

  5. I used to love Wendy's when I was in high school and college, but I think their burgers have deteriorated in quality since then. I've never had an In-N-Out burger, but they're supposedly legendary!

  6. You could probably just about cook the burgers on the street in front of these places now, don't you think? :-)

  7. I've never understood the amazing status of In-N-Out. I mean, they're burgers and fries are good but legendary? I don't see it. My current favorite in the fast food jungle that makes up dining in my town is Culver's, though I did try their supposedly "legendary" cheese curds once and found them to be blah. Am I starting to sound like a v-e-r-y old and crochety man? :D

  8. Oh, goodness, and he can't seem to tell the difference between "they're" and "their".

  9. Re In n Out, two words: "Light well". (for the french fries.) (you can thank me later.)

  10. That's a lot of options for choosing a burger. :)

  11. Your Hopdoddy burger looked delicious.
    I shouldn't have clicked on your link. I had been craving Mexican food but now you have me thinking about burgers. Tonight's menu is fish tacos, though. Not too shabby for home cooked. But it comes up short in the fries with rosemary department.

  12. My vote goes to Hopdotddy. Their burgers are delicious and I like they way they run their business.

  13. I do like a proper burger. I have not gone for fast food burgers in years. And I have not been to a Wendy one.

  14. Lots of great food in Phoenix

  15. Once in a while I crave a good burger too. I used to love a particular super messy burger at Famous Sam's in Tucson - is that chain in Phoenix? It had green chiles and cheese and I was always a mess when I ate it. Good memories!
