Thursday, July 23, 2020

Gables, Shutters and Curves

I have three more historic neighborhoods represented here today.  First up in in an area called Cheery Lynn.  It's described as a prototype neighborhood with predominantly English-influenced architecture.

The next photo is a house in the Coronado historic neighborhood.  This is one of the larger neighborhoods with homes dating back to 1900 through the 1930's.

The Country Club Park neighborhood sits just outside of the Phoenix Country Club and the homes here are in a variety of styles.  This one has a bit of an art deco look to it.

All of the historic neighborhoods are denoted by the blue signs that sit atop the normal street signs in each neighborhood.

A couple of my readers asked about the cost of these homes and I can say that it depends on which neighborhood.  Most fall within the normal value for the amount of square footage, probably between $180,000 to $300,000 and maybe one or two as high as $500,000.  However, a few of the neighborhoods fall well above that range, many rising above one million.  The Alvarado neighborhood I pictured a few days ago falls in that category.  I'll point out some of the other expensive ones when I get to them.


  1. I like that second one the most. Nice they are all in a historic called neighbourhood.

  2. The adobe style looks so at home there

  3. Three lovely homes here Sharon, normally I would choose the Art Deco style but I have to say the second home appeals to me a lot, very Arizona 💛

  4. P.s. Sharon we've been much luckier here in the west than the other side of Australia, as yet we haven't had to wear masks, but if we were I definitely would.

  5. I like that 2nd one too. The prices are so reasonable. You can't buy a garage here for that kind of money.

  6. I wonder what possessed someone to build English-influenced homes in Phoenix? I like the second one best, too.

  7. Older homes are so appealing. Love them all.

  8. Beautiful houses.
    I'm not sure which one I would select.
    : )

  9. Gosh! That gabled roof looks out of place.

  10. Beautiful looking houses. I like the look of the art deco one, it appeals to me for some reason.

  11. Curiously, Cheery Lynn looks the least cheeriest of all.

  12. Cheery Lynn? I wouldn't picture that in Phoenix.
