Sunday, July 26, 2020

As the Day Progressed

Friday afternoon around 1:30, I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things when I noticed the clouds building up to the north.

I made a bit of a detour to get to place where I could snap a couple of photos of those big puffy clouds in the distance.  I was hoping they would bring a monsoon storm our way.

At around 5:45, I noticed what looked like rain but the sun was shining.  I went outside to see what was happening and sure enough, it was raining with the sun shining brightly from the west.  It's hard to tell in the photo above.  I think the camera was overcompensating for shooting into the bright light.  However, you can see the shadows of the trees.

At 7:30 that same evening, there was a definite golden glow shining on my windows so I went out again and caught this fiery sunset.  I'm hoping for a few more days like this one.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's another virtual walk, this time near the beach.


  1. Amazing when it rains in the desert. I have only seen it a couple of times.

  2. The sky is forever changing. Keep watching for that special moment.

  3. That is a strange phenomenon, my mother always said "It is carnival in hell!"

  4. It's amazing to see the changes in the sky as it progresses through the day. The sunset is gorgeous, saving the best sky of the day for the ending. Nice shots, Sharon.

  5. Looks like a beautiful day overall! I can even see the raindrops in that third photo.

  6. Those clouds were wonderful, Sharon!

  7. Great luck with the light. You made such good use of it.

  8. The daytime clouds were lovely but the! Stunning!

  9. Oh, that last picture is . . apocalyptic! And wonderful!

  10. Lovely wet roads in that third shot Sharon.. I know exactly how this weather feels, hope you get a wee bit more rain 💙

  11. Stunning sunset photo Sharon.

  12. I sure do miss those gorgeous Arizona sunsets!
